Vertical wellbore bedrock construction technology - rock loading and lifting work

Loading rock lifting work accounts for about 50% to 60% of the entire tunneling cycle time, which is the key to determining the speed of vertical shaft construction.

(1) Loading work

Vertical shaft construction generally uses rock grabs to install rock. There are NZQ 2 -0.11 rock grab machine, long rope suspension rock grab (HS type), central rotary rock grab (HZ type), circular track rock grab (HH type) and wall-type rock grab (HK) type). The center rotary rock grab is common.

(2) Enhancing work

The task of upgrading work is to eliminate the meteorites in the wellbore, the equipment and equipment, and the lifting staff.

(3) Drainage work

After the underground meteorite is lifted by the bucket to the derrick on the ground derrick, the gangue is discharged by the turning device, and the gangue is discharged into the car or the mine car through the shovel or the gangue. Then it is transported to the drainage site.

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