Jia Xinguang: "Trade-for-new" stimulates the development of commercial vehicle market

Premier Wen Jiabao of the State Council presided over the executive meeting of the State Council today to study the policies and measures for the deployment of “new-for-new” policies for cars and home appliances. The meeting decided that the central government will increase the retirement subsidies for old cars from 1 billion yuan to 5 billion yuan, and expand the scope of subsidies. In response to this incident, Fenghuangwang Automotive connected the automotive industry expert Jia Xinguang for the first time.

Jia Xinguang

“A vehicle owner can get a subsidy when he gets the original vehicle scrapping certificate and then buys a car. This measure mainly refers to commercial vehicles. The number of yellow-label vehicles that Beijing plans to phase out or rectify this year is as high as 200,000. It is a 15,000 yuan per vehicle subsidy for goods vehicles and a subsidy of 25,000 yuan per car for passenger vehicles. Now that subsidies have been increased, the scope of subsidies has also been expanded, and the people can actively cooperate with them, scrapping the old cars used in operation, and the new car market will also be There is great potential." Jia Xinguang believes that this policy will greatly stimulate the development of the commercial vehicle market.

Jia Xinguang said that the previous government’s efforts in the retirement policy of old cars are still not large enough. At present, China’s commercial vehicle fleet has approximately 26 million vehicles, with an annual scrap rate of 300,000 to 500,000 vehicles, and its annual scrap rate. Only about 2%. If this is extrapolated, there are about 5 million "yellow cars" produced at the end of the last century and the beginning of this century. Therefore, increasing the intensity of scrapping has a positive effect on energy saving and environmental protection, driving safety, and transportation efficiency. The key to promoting the development of the commercial vehicle market lies not only in the policy preferences of selling prices and the improvement of the transportation environment, but also in increasing the implementation of the policy of updating and scrapping.
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